Sep 27, 2024  
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2009-10 
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2009-10 [Archived Catalog]

Course Descriptions

The course information (including course titles, descriptions, credit hours, prerequisites, repeat/retake information, and active status) contained in this catalog is effective as of Fall Quarter 2009-10. This information is necessarily subject to change at the discretion of Ohio University.


Spanish (Romance)

  • SPAN 343 - Advanced Conversation and Composition

    Emphasis on speaking.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 341

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 345 - Business Spanish

    This course is designed for intermediate and advanced students of Spanish and enables them to achieve a higher level of competence in oral and written communication in order to help conduct business in the Spanish-speaking world. The course is suitable for business majors interested in working with Hispanic clients; international business majors; and undergraduate liberal arts majors wishing to expand their awareness of the Spanish language or seeking positions with companies doing international business.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 341

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 348 - Spanish Civilization and Culture

    Survey of Spanish civilization and culture.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 343 OR 345

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 349 - Spanish American Civilization and Culture

    Survey of Spanish American civilization and culture.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 343 OR 345

    Credit Hours: 4General Education Code: 2CP
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 350 - Mexican Civilization and Culture

    Study of Mexican life, language, art, and their regional variation. Offered only in Mexico.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 213

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 351 - Mayan Civilization and Culture

    Examination of Mayan civilization of yesterday and today, with emphasis on its continuing presence in Yucatan. Offered only in Mexico.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 213

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 352 - Yucatecan Civilization

    Introduces the student studying abroad with the Ohio University program in the Yucatan to the rich and diverse culture encountered there. Two sections–one theoretical and one applied–will allow the student to begin to understand the sometimes complex issues that form the Yucatecan personality and make it very different from that of other states in Mexico.
    Prerequisites: (SPAN 213 OR 213X)

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 354 - Dramatizations of the Hispanic World

    Selected Spanish and Spanish-American plays. Historical developments and movements in Hispanic theater. Terminology. Readings, lectures, and discussion.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 343 OR 345

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 355 - Fictions of the Hispanic World

    Selected Spanish and Spanish-American novels and shorter fiction. Historical developments and movements in Hispanic narrative form. Terminology. Readings, lectures, and discussion.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 343 OR 345

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 356 - Poetic Images of the Hispanic World

    Selected Spanish and Spanish-American poetry. Historical developments and tendencies in Hispanic verse. Movements and terminology. Readings, lectures, and discussion.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 343 OR 345

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 361 - Understanding Spoken Spanish

    Designed to increase students’ understanding of spoken Spanish through exposure to and practice with recorded oral materials. Students work with distinct language varieties including dialect variants, commercials, songs, jokes, and broadcasts. Strategies for developing listening skills are presented.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 213

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 370 - Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics

    An introduction to the scientific study of the Spanish Language.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 343

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 396 - Internship in Spanish

    Practice using the language in a work environment. Does not count for major. Proposals must be submitted beginning of quarter prior to internship.
    Prerequisites: PERMISSION REQUIRED

    Credit Hours: 1 - 5
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 5 hours.
  • SPAN 397T - Spanish Tutorial

    Prerequisites: HTC

    Credit Hours: 1 - 15
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 15 hours.
  • SPAN 398 - Internship in Mexico

    This ten-week internship is designed to help that student who already has studied abroad and has spent one quarter in Merida with the Ohio University program, and wishes to return to Mexico to improve oral language skills within the context of an internship.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 5
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 5 hours.
  • SPAN 398T - Spanish Tutorial

    Prerequisites: HTC

    Credit Hours: 1 - 15
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 15 hours.
  • SPAN 399T - Spanish Tutorial

    Prerequisites: HTC

    Credit Hours: 1 - 15
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 15 hours.
  • SPAN 425 - 19th-Century Spanish Literature - 1800-1850

    Romanticism, costumbrismo, and other movements in drama, essay, and poetry.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 354 OR 355 OR 356

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 427 - 19th-Century Spanish Literature - 1850-1900

    Evolution of the novel in 19th-century Spain, including novels selected from the work of the following: Valera, Pereda, Galdos, Alas, Pardo Bazan, Blasco Ibanez.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 354 OR 355 OR 356

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 429 - Generation of ‘98

    Representative works by early 20th-century Spanish writers, including at least some of the following: Azorin, Baroja, Valle-Inclan, A. Machado, Perez de Ayala, Ortega y Gasset, and Juan Ramon Jimenez.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 354 OR 355 OR 356

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 432 - 20th Century Spanish Literature

    Study of Spanish literature of various genres since 1925. The course may highlight the poetic generation of 1927, contemporary poetry or theater, or the novel of the democratic period.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 354 OR 355 OR 356

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 435 - Proseminar

    Subject will vary. May be repeated when subject changes.
    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 12 hours.
  • SPAN 437 - Applied Phonetics

    Systematic description of the sound system of Spanish.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 370

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 438 - Hispanic Dialectology and Sociolinguistics

    Overview of major dialects of the Hispanic world and exploration of the sources of dialectal variation, e.g. age-based, gender-related and sociocultural, among others. Readings, lectures, class presentations, and discussions.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 370

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 439 - Modern Spanish Usage

    The grammatical structure of modern Spanish.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 370

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 440 - Teaching Spanish: Theory and Methodology

    This course provides an introduction to the philosophy and theoretical orientation of the teaching of Spanish language and cultures; an introduction to issues in second-language-acquisition research, with a focus on Spanish; and opportunities to develop professional and instructional materials. Does not count toward major.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 343

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 441 - Stylistics

    Analysis of literary styles and study of techniques used to acquire correct style in writing Spanish.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 370

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 443 - Survey of Spanish American Literature

    Main movements of Spanish American literature from colonial period to Modernismo.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 354 OR 355 OR 356

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 444 - Survey of Spanish American Literature

    Continuation of 443. Main movements of Spanish American literature from Modernismo to contemporary period.
    Prerequisites: SPAN 354 OR 355 OR 356

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 447 - Themes from Spanish American Prose

    [Seminar contents varies.]
    Prerequisites: SPAN 354 OR 355 OR 356

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 448 - Contemporary Spanish American Literature

    [Seminar contents varies.]
    Prerequisites: SPAN 354 OR 355 OR 356

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 450 - History of Art in Spain - 1500-present

    Survey of major artists and artistic movements in Spain from 1500 to the present; study of artistic patronage and history of Spanish museums.
    Prerequisites: 2 CRSES INCL SPAN 345 OR 354 OR 355 OR 356

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 453 - Drama of the Golden Age

    Works by Lope de Vega, Calderon de la Barca, Tirso de Molina, Juan Ruiz de Alarcon, and related dramatists.
    Prerequisites: 2 CRSES INCL SPAN 345 OR 354 OR 355 OR 356

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 454 - Golden Age Poetry

    Works by Garcilaso de la Vega, San Juan de la Cruz, Luis de Leon, Lope de Vega, Luis de Gongora, Francisco de Quevedo, and related poets.
    Prerequisites: 2 CRSES INCL SPAN 345 OR 354 OR 355 OR 356

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 455 - Novel of the Golden Age

    Picaresque novel, Cervantes’ Novelas Ejemplares, and other examples of the novel from this period.
    Prerequisites: 2 CRSES INCL SPAN 345 OR 354 OR 355 OR 356

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 458 - Don Quijote de la Mancha

    Intensive study of Part One and Part Two of Spain’s greatest novel.
    Prerequisites: 2 CRSES (SPAN 345 OR 354 OR 355 OR 356)

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SPAN 497T - Spanish Tutorial

    Prerequisites: HTC

    Credit Hours: 1 - 15
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 15 hours.
  • SPAN 498 - Independent Study in Spanish

    Directed individual readings, discussion, and reports in language at advanced level. Does not count toward 400-level hours required for major. Maximum of two credits may count toward minor.
    Prerequisites: 8 HRS SPAN AT 300 LEVEL

    Credit Hours: 1 - 2
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 4 hours.
  • SPAN 498T - Spanish Tutorial

    Prerequisites: HTC

    Credit Hours: 1 - 15
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 15 hours.
  • SPAN 499T - Spanish Tutorial

    Prerequisites: HTC

    Credit Hours: 1 - 15
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 15 hours.

Specialized Studies

  • SPST 425 - Senior Seminar

    Seminar for specialized studies seniors, examining opportunities, challenges, and issues of the 21st century workforce. Includes engaging in self-assessment, reflection and analysis of degree program, and developing a portfolio that documents learning accomplishments.
    Prerequisites: BSS MAJOR & SR ONLY

    Credit Hours: 2
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
  • SPST 490 - Internship

    This course provides an internship experience for students in the Bachelor of Specialized Studies (B.S.S.) program.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 10
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 10 hours.
  • SPST 499 - Thesis

    Work on research or creative project for thesis; intended for students who plan to graduate with B.S.S. departmental honors.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 5
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 15 hours.

Sports Administration/Sport Management

  • SASM 201 - Introduction to Sport Industry

    Introduction to the multiple facets of the sport industry. The knowledge gained in this course will provide a foundation for the future study of the industry. 3 lec.
    Prerequisites: FR OR SOPH

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken three times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SASM 225 - History of the Sport Industry

    Examines the origin and development of the sport industry in America from the 19th century to the present. 4 lec.
    Prerequisites: SASM 201

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken two times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SASM 290 - Practicum in Sport Management

    Field experiences designed to place students in various sport management related settings related to their career emphasis.
    Prerequisites: PERMISSION REQUIRED

    Credit Hours: 1 - 5
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 30 hours.
  • SASM 301 - Sport Marketing

    Introduces basic sport marketing concepts with application to amateur and professional sport organizations. Topics include promotions and public relations, sport consumer behavior, strategic marketing planning, marketing information management, and marketing communication. 4 lec.
    Prerequisites: SASM 201 & MKT 202

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken three times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SASM 340 - Intercollegiate Athletics

    Focus is on critically analyzing the role of intercollegiate athletics in higher education. Particular focus and discussion centers on the prevailing contemporary issues in intercollegiate athletics including financial trends, legislation, conference alignment, reform, gender equity, graduation rates, gambling, violence, and diversity issues in coaching and management hiring.
    Prerequisites: JR OR SR

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken two times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SASM 350 - External Relations in Sports

    External Relations in Sport focuses on the job skills and competency areas needed by the industrys communications, media relations, community relations, and development professionals. The common threads of external relations are information management and relationship building. This class will synthesize public relations, media relations, and building brand equity in the sport context with attention to differentiating special procedures required in handling student-athlete information in intercollegiate athletics.
    Prerequisites: SASM 225 & (JR OR SR)

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken two times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SASM 376 - Athletic Facility Planning and Management

    Applies the functions of management to the development, operations, and financing of sport facilities. Facilities examined include public and private arenas, coliseums, and stadia. 4 lec.
    Prerequisites: SASM 201 & (OPN 300 OR 310)

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken three times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SASM 391 - Risk Management

    Prepares students to assume responsibility for programs of risk management in the sport industry. Emphasizes the policies, procedures, safety audits, risk reviews, and emergency action plans needed to develop an effective risk management program. 4 lec.
    Prerequisites: BUSL 255 & (SASM 201 OR 203 OR REC 200)

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken three times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SASM 400 - Diversity and Sport

    Examines the role of sport in the lives of women, minorities, people with disabilities, and gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, and transgender individuals, and reflects on the special structures and attitudes of sport for these populations.
    Prerequisites: JR OR SR & NOT PESS 400

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken two times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SASM 412 - Sports Governance and Ethics

    Focuses upon legal questions, public relations, ethics, budgeting, recruiting, crowd control, evaluation, and personnel. 4 lec.
    Prerequisites: SPORT INDUSTRY MAJOR & (JR OR SR)

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken two times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SASM 425 - Financial Issues in Sport

    Examines and applies the concepts of financial resource management to the operation of programs in the sport industry. Concepts examined include forms of ownership, taxation, financial analysis, feasibility studies, revenue generation, economic impact studies, and current issues in sports finance. 4 lec.
    Prerequisites: SASM 201 & ECON 103 & FIN (310 OR 325)

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken three times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SASM 435 - Sport Promotion and Sales Management

    Provides an overview of the elements of sport promotion and sales. Content includes rationale and benefits of promotion and sales, sponsorhsip proposals, licensing programs, and solicitation of sponsors. 4 lec.
    Prerequisites: SASM 301 & NOT 430

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken three times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SASM 440 - Ticket Operations

    Introduces students to ticket operations by studying policy development and implementation, customer service, problem solving, ticket technology, will call, seat improvements and relocations, ticket transfers, and ticket sales. 4 lec.
    Prerequisites: SASM 435

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken three times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SASM 450 - Senior Seminar in Sport Management

    This capstone course requires the completion of a comprehensive sports business plan. The sports business plan incorporates a variety of content completed in previous classes including marketing, sponsorship, finance, risk management, governance, ethics and the use of sports facilities.
    Prerequisites: SASM 430 OR 435 & SR

    Credit Hours: 4General Education Code: T3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken two times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SASM 490 - Internship in Sport Management

    Internship of at least 400 hours with an approved sport related organization.
    Prerequisites: JR OR SR & PERMISSION & NOT PESS 490

    Credit Hours: 16
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.

Sudanese Arabic

  • SUDN 301 - Sudanese Arabic I

    First course of sequence with emphasis on oral proficiency. Does not fulfill Arts & Sciences language or humanities requirements.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SUDN 302 - Sudanese Arabic II

    Second course of sequence with emphasis on oral proficiency. Does not fulfill Arts & Sciences language or humanities requirements.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SUDN 303 - Sudanese Arabic III

    Third course of sequence with emphasis on oral proficiency. Does not fulfill Arts & Sciences language or humanities requirements.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SUDN 304 - Sudanese Arabic IV

    Fourth course of sequence with emphasis on oral proficiency. Does not fulfill Arts & Sciences language or humanities requirements.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SUDN 305 - Sudanese Arabic V

    Fifth course of sequence with emphasis on oral proficiency. Does not fulfill Arts & Sciences language or humanities requirements.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SUDN 306 - Sudanese Arabic VI

    Sixth course of sequence with emphasis on oral proficiency. Does not fulfill Arts & Sciences language or humanities requirements.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.

Swahili (African)

  • SWAH 111 - Elementary Swahili

    Beginning course of three quarter first-year sequence.
    Credit Hours: 4General Education Code: 2CP
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • SWAH 112 - Elementary Swahili

    Continuation of 111. Second course of three quarter first-year sequence.
    Prerequisites: SWAH 111

    Credit Hours: 4General Education Code: 2CP
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SWAH 113 - Elementary Swahili

    Continuation of 112. Third course of three quarter first-year sequence.
    Prerequisites: SWAH 112

    Credit Hours: 4General Education Code: 2CP
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SWAH 211 - Intermediate Swahili

    First course of three-quarter intermediate-level sequence.
    Prerequisites: SWAH 113

    Credit Hours: 4General Education Code: 2CP
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SWAH 212 - Intermediate Swahili

    Continuation of 211. Second course of three-quarter intermediate-level sequence.
    Prerequisites: SWAH 211

    Credit Hours: 4General Education Code: 2CP
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SWAH 213 - Intermediate Swahili

    Continuation of 212. Third course of three-quarter intermediate-level sequence.
    Prerequisites: SWAH 212

    Credit Hours: 4General Education Code: 2CP
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SWAH 311 - Advanced Swahili

    Beginning course of advanced-level sequence.
    Prerequisites: SWAH 213

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SWAH 312 - Advanced Swahili

    Continuation of 311. Second course of advanced-level sequence.
    Prerequisites: SWAH 311

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SWAH 313 - Advanced Swahili

    Continuation of 312. Third course of advanced-level sequence.
    Prerequisites: SWAH 312

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • SWAH 399 - Special Studies in Swahili

    Reading and discussion of arranged assignments in books, periodicals, and tapes on specific topics related to Swahili language and East African culture.
    Prerequisites: PERMISSION REQUIRED

    Credit Hours: 1 - 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours.

Technical and Applied Studies

  • TAS 301 - Introduction to Technical and Applied Studies

    This course will introduce technical associate degree holders to professional studies through an examination of program requirements and goals. The historical overview of the development of various technologies and their influence on Western Civilization will lead to the consideration of the nature of technology and its many societal functions. Within that historical and theoretical context, students will be introduced to various management technologies and theories of leadership, and will be required to assess their own individual beliefs and skills.
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken two times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • TAS 321 - Research for Technical and Applied Studies

    No credit if PSY 226 or SOC 351. This course emphasizes both an understanding of research methods and the development of the critical skills necessary to interpret and to convey research results. In addition to analyzing research methods, the students will examine current technological applications designed to aid the conduct and evaluation of research. Students will analyze research projects in areas of related interest.
    Prerequisites: TAS 301 & (PSY 120 OR 221 OR QBA 201 OR MATH 250 OR 251) & NO CREDIT IF (PSY 226 OR SOC 351)

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken two times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • TAS 451 - Technical and Applied Studies Capstone Seminar

    A capstone for the BTAS degree, this course requires integration and application of professional knowledge, skills, and technologies in order to complete a professional project for a business, industry, or community organization.
    Prerequisites: TAS 301 & 321 & 30 HRS TAS & SR & 30 HRS WITHIN MAJOR

    Credit Hours: 4General Education Code: T3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken two times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.


  • THAI 301 - Thai I

    First course of sequence with emphasis on oral proficiency. Does not fulfill Arts and Sciences language or humanities requirement.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAI 302 - Thai II

    Continuation of THAI 301. Second course of sequence with emphasis on oral proficiency. Does not fulfill Arts and Sciences language or humanities requirement.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAI 303 - Thai III

    Continuation of THAI 302. Third course of sequence with emphasis on oral proficiency. Does not fulfill Arts and Sciences language or humanities requirement.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAI 304 - Thai IV

    Continuation of THAI 303. Fourth course of sequence with emphasis on oral proficiency. Does not fulfill Arts and Sciences language or humanities requirement.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAI 305 - Thai V

    Continuation of THAI 304. Fifth course of sequence with emphasis on oral proficiency. Does not fulfill Arts and Sciences language or humanities requirement.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAI 306 - Thai VI

    Continuation of THAI 305. Sixth course of sequence with emphasis on oral proficiency. Does not fulfill Arts and Sciences language or humanities requirement.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken one time excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAI 399 - Special Studies in Thai

    Directed study on specific topics related to Thai language and culture.
    Prerequisites: PERMISSION REQUIRED

    Credit Hours: 1 - 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 9 hours.


  • THAR 090 - Lunchbag Theater Seminar Series

    Seminar and discussion about trends in theater scholarship, production, and performance techniques. May be repeated.
    Credit Hours: 0
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated.
  • THAR 101 - Introduction and Orientation to the Theater as a Profession

    Acquaints theater majors and other interested students with professional theater. Examines varieties of theater institutions (educational, commercial, regional, etc.), roles of administrator, producer, and director, and historical background for state of American theater.
    Credit Hours: 1
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAR 102 - Introduction and Orientation to the Theater as a Profession

    (winter) Continuation of 101 and 102 with particular emphasis on training and job opportunities for actors, scene designers, costume designers, and lighting designers.
    Credit Hours: 1
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAR 103 - Introduction and Orientation to the Theater as a Profession

    Continuation of 101. Particular emphasis on training and job opportunities for theater managers and arts administrators (state managers, technical directors, house managers, business managers); training in other countries, history, purpose, and present function of theater unions; important theater journals and associations; and specialized training for related theater fields.
    Credit Hours: 1
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAR 105 - Practicum in Management

    Supervised lab practice in problems of theater publicity, finance, and house management. May be repeated.
    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 12 hours.
  • THAR 110 - Introduction to Performance

    Introductory study of acting and actor. Emphasizes preparation of self and text, exploration of space, development of physical and vocal freedom through improvisation and theater games.
    Prerequisites: THEATER MAJOR

    Credit Hours: 2
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAR 111 - Acting Improvisation I

    Verbal and nonverbal improvisation. Emphasis on presence, spontaneity, action, and invention through exercises and improvisations.
    Prerequisites: THEATER MAJOR

    Credit Hours: 2
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAR 112 - Introduction to Performance Warm-up

    Introduction to the study and practice of the actor’s physical and vocal warm-up for rehearsal, training, and performance.
    Prerequisites: THEATER MAJOR

    Credit Hours: 2
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAR 113 - Acting Fundamentals I

    Introductory study of acting and actor. Emphasizes preparation of self and text, exploration of space, and development of physical and vocal freedom through improvisation and theater games.
    Prerequisites: NON-THEATER MAJOR

    Credit Hours: 4General Education Code: 2FA
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAR 120 - Fundamentals of Directing

    Introduction to the principles and practice of directing for theater.
    Prerequisites: THEATER MAJOR

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAR 130 - Design Principles for the Stage

    Principles of scenography design. 2 lec, 1 lab.
    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAR 131 - Practical Elements of Stagecraft

    Principles of technical production. 2 lec, 1 lab.
    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken an unlimited number of times, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAR 131A - Fundamentals of Scenery and Props

    An introduction to the skills, techniques, terminology, rationale, and safety practices of creating theatrical scenery and properties. No credit if THAR 131.
    Prerequisites: NOT THAR 131

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken three times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAR 131B - Fundamentals of Lighting and Sound

    An introduction to the skills, techniques, terminology, rationale, and safety practices of realizing theatrical lighting and sound. No credit if THAR 131.
    Prerequisites: NOT THAR 131

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken three times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAR 131C - Fundamentals of Costumes and Crafts

    An introduction to the skills, techniques, terminology, rationale, and safety practices of creating theatrical costumes and costume crafts. No credit if THAR 131.
    Prerequisites: NOT THAR 131

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken three times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts.
  • THAR 135 - Practicum in Production Design

    Supervised lab practice in design and execution of scenery, lighting, costumes, properties, and sound. May be repeated.
    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 12 hours.

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