Sep 27, 2024  
Ohio University Graduate Catalog 2017-19 
Ohio University Graduate Catalog 2017-19 [Archived Catalog]


  • JOUR 5850 - Journalism in the Secondary School Curriculum

    Intensive study and analysis of appropriate content for high school journalism courses. Planning course outlines and curricula.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 5860 - Advertising and Public Relations Capstone

    Capstone in Strategic Communication track to provide thorough understanding of basic elements of advertising and public relations campaigns. Includes creation of campaign.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 5870 - News and Information Capstone

    This capstone, for the News and Information track, will be multimedia project-based that will synthesize information gathering, critical thinking, writing and production, and research and theory skills gained throughout the curriculum.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 5900 - Special Issues and Topics in Journalism

    Advanced issues-related topics in journalism and mass communication. Combines theoretical and historical knowledge to provide an in-depth examination of a topic selected by the instructor.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 5901 - Topical Journalism

    Lecture and hands-on skills approach to the study of topical areas of journalism practice of special interest to students. Topics selected by instructor.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 5920 - Advanced Multimedia Reporting Practicum

    Reporting experience producing stories for broadcast and/or print, and online media. Working under real deadlines producing material for existing professional media outlets.

    Requisites: Permission required
    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 6.0 practicum
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 5921 - Advanced Multimedia News Editing Practicum

    Editing, design and layout experience for broadcast and/or print, and online media. Working under real deadlines producing material for existing professional media outlets.

    Requisites: Permission required
    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 6.0 practicum
    Eligible Grades: A-F,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 5922 - Seminar in Broadcast News

    Discussion of issues and problems: operational, social, economic, legal, and ethical, faced by broadcast and electronic media journalists.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 5923 - Seminar in Online Journalism

    Introduction to ethical, theoretical, and societal issues of the Internet and online journalism. Digital divide and diversity, social impact of the Internet, and communicators’ new roles in a globally networked society.

    Requisites: Permission required
    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 5926X - Semester in D.C.: Practicum

    A ten-week practicum in an area of concentration with an employer in the Washington, D.c. area. Students will work under the direct supervision of professionals in a work environment to gain experience and will be monitored by a faculty member.

    Requisites: Permission required
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 6010 - Graphics and Editing

    Creative and practical aspects of typography, layout, and design of multimedia communication. Copywriting, headline writing, news selection, and layout of news material.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 1.0 lecture, 4.0 laboratory
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 6011 - Writing and Reporting

    Methods of gathering and evaluating news and writing typical news stories. Practice work in covering assignments and preparing copy. Does not count toward MS or PHD degree requirements.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 1.0 lecture, 4.0 laboratory
    Eligible Grades: A-F,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 6650 - Professional Project

    Professional project for students not choosing to do a thesis. Requires a research chapter.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 12
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 12.0 hours.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 1.0 tutorial
    Eligible Grades: F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 6750 - Readings

    In-depth analysis of readings related to mass communication. Fulfills part of Readings capstone option requirements.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 12
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 12.0 hours.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 1.0 tutorial
    Eligible Grades: F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 6890 - Journalism Workshop

    Workshop on selected topics of journalism and mass communication.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 6.0 hours.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 1.0 lecture, 1.0 practicum
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 6900 - Special Topics in Journalism

    Specific course content will vary with offering.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 15
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 1.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 6910 - Graduate Internship

    Practical experience at an approved professional media or research outlet.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 12
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 12.0 hours.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 10.0 field experience/internship
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 6940 - Research in Journalism and Communications

    Topical independent research in journalism and mass communications.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 6.0 hours.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 6.0 research
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 6950 - Thesis

    Thesis research.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 9
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 10.0 hours.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 thesis/dissertation
    Eligible Grades: F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 7200 - Ethics, Mass Media, and Society

    Teaches social responsibility to journalists and other media communicators. Discusses professional ethical codes, responsibility of media for social change, and reaction to political and economic pressures.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 7900 - Seminar in Special Topics

    Advanced topics in journalism and mass communication. Combines theoretical and practical knowledge to provide an in-depth examination of a topic selected by the instructor.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 9.0 hours.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 7930 - Independent Study

    Content varies.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 12.0 hours.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 independent study
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 7950 - Journalism Teaching Seminar

    Study of teaching theories and methods applicable to those teaching in the journalism and mass communication field. (Note: PHD students and MSJ students who teach, sign up for 7950 in their first semester of teaching. PHDs who are Scripps Howard Teaching Fellows sign up for three consecutive semesters of 7950.)

    Credit Hours: 1
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 3.0 hours.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 1.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 8030 - Seminar in Mass Communication Theory

    Mass communication processes, structures, functions, and practices, including descriptions, explanations, and predictions of each. Review and synthesis of literature from major paradigms in the field, including administrative, critical, and cultural. Ontological, epistemological, and methodological assumptions and limitations across the field of study.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 8060 - Research Methods

    Techniques for study of communication content, message sources, audiences, and effects.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 8080 - Legal Research

    The study of the legal literature relative to First Amendment, including that involving speech, the press, broadcast, and the broad area of social and political communication. Each student learns to use legal reporters and documents. Electronic searching and Shepardizing are taught. Field trips to Columbus are necessary. Each student prepares an extensive legal bibliography in a First Amendment area of interest.

    Requisites: JOUR 5100 or 5190
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 8110 - Historical Research in Journalism

    Research in mass communication history, individual projects and readings, application of historiographic methods.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 8130 - Ethics, Internet, and Society

    Directed research and reading in the context of ethics, Internet, and society. Emphasis on communication theoretical, media critical, and ethical analyses of the Internet, and on Internet specific research strategies and methods.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 8140 - Literature of Journalism

    Directed reading and discussion of literature covering major themes critical and/or explanatory of media performance, chiefly from 20th- and 21st- centuries.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 8150 - Seminar in Theory of Freedom of the Press

    Historical and philosophical development of concept of free expression and its relationship to development of Anglo-American system of information flow. Contrasting ideologies and their evolution. Implications of these theories in contemporary states.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 8160 - Seminar in Mass Media Research

    Students present research ideas to seminar, discuss progress and problems, report and defend projects before group. Emphasis on research strategy and agenda development, the nature and function of theory in mass communication research, and issues with measurement and scaling, as well as data reporting, explanation, and positioning in an area of study.

    Requisites: JOUR 8060
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 8210 - Seminar in Content Analysis

    Methods of designing studies of mass media using techniques of quantitative content analysis and statistical-analysis software; individual research projects and related readings.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 8300 - Seminar in Magazine Research and Development

    Investigation into and seminar discussion of historical and contemporary role of magazines in American society. Problems of magazine publishing and magazine editing, and structure and nature of magazine industry in U.S. Major historical, qualitative, or quantitative research project.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 8500 - Seminar in Advertising Copywriting

    Graduate seminar examining the research on strategic advertising messaging and persuasive communication.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 8660 - Seminar in International Mass Media

    Directed research and reading applied to problems of international communication and comparative foreign journalism. Each student writes an original research paper.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 8710 - Public Relations Problems and Programs

    Overall planning and operation of public relations programs in government, industry, and educational and nonprofit organizations. Analysis and seminar discussion of problems and policies in such institutions. Case method used in conjunction with individual field studies conducted by class members.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 8900 - Advanced Research Topics Seminar

    Seminar treatment of areas of current or topical interest in journalism and mass communication; topic varies with instructor expertise and research interests.

    Requisites: JOUR 8030 or 8060
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 9.0 hours.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JOUR 8950 - Dissertation

    Research work on dissertation.

    Requisites: Permission required
    Credit Hours: 1 - 12
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 15.0 hours.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 thesis/dissertation
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPC 5100 - Field Study in Japan

    Cultural orientation designed to prepare students for study abroad in Japan. Taught in English.

    Requisites: Permission required
    Credit Hours: 0
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 2.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: F,CR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPC 5500 - Japan: A Sociocultural Interpretation

    Focused readings in English designed to broaden students’ understanding of Japanese culture for personal, academic, or professional purposes.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPC 5900 - Special Topics in Japanese Culture

    Specific course content will vary with offering.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 15
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 1.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPN 5110 - Elementary Japanese I

    Beginning course of two semester first-year sequence.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPN 5120 - Elementary Japanese II

    Study of spoken and written Japanese.

    Requisites: JPN 5110
    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPN 5210 - Intermediate Japanese I

    Study of spoken and written Japanese.

    Requisites: JPN 5120
    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPN 5220 - Intermediate Japanese II

    Study of spoken and written Japanese.

    Requisites: JPN 5210
    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPN 5310 - Advanced Japanese I

    Study of spoken and written Japanese.

    Requisites: JPN 5220
    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPN 5320 - Advanced Japanese II

    Study of spoken and written Japanese.

    Requisites: JPN 5310
    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPN 5380 - Spoken Japanese I

    Development of receptive and productive skills for extended oral discourse in a wide range of interpersonal communicative situations. Emphasis on sociocultural aspects of language use.

    Requisites: JPN 5220
    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPN 5390 - Spoken Japanese II

    This is the second course in this two course series. Specifically designed to strengthen the students’ ability to communicate orally on various topics in both formal and informal settings.

    Requisites: JPN 5380
    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPN 5410 - Business Japanese I

    Adaptation of productive and receptive skills introduced in JPN 5110-5220 for use in the context of the contemporary Japanese workplace.

    Requisites: JPN 5120
    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPN 5440 - Fourth-Year Japanese I

    Beginning course of two course fourth-year sequence.

    Requisites: JPN 5320
    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPN 5450 - Fourth-Year Japanese II

    Second course of a two course fourth-year sequence.

    Requisites: Permission required and JPN 5440
    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPN 5480 - Readings in Japanese Culture I

    Social, political, and cultural aspects of modern Japan through readings, discussions, class reports, and short papers. All work will be done in Japanese.

    Requisites: JPN 5310
    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPN 5490 - Readings in Japanese Culture II

    Social, political, and cultural aspects of modern Japan through readings, discussions, class reports, and short papers. All work will be done in Japanese.

    Requisites: JPN 5480
    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPN 5900 - Special Topics in Japanese Language

    Specific course content will vary with offering.

    Requisites: WGS 3500
    Credit Hours: 1 - 15
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 1.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • JPN 5990 - Special Studies

    Reading and discussion of arranged assignments in books, periodicals, and tapes on specific topics related to Japanese language and culture.

    Requisites: Permission required
    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • KHMR 5110 - Elementary Khmer I

    Culture based approach to increased language proficiency. Students continue to develop listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills as they study diverse history and customs of Khmer speakers.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • KHMR 5120 - Elementary Khmer II

    Culture based approach to increased language proficiency. Students continue to develop listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills as they study diverse history and customs of Khmer speakers.

    Requisites: KHMR 5110
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • KHMR 5210 - Intermediate Khmer I

    Culture based approach to increased language proficiency. Students continue to develop listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills as they study diverse history and customs of Khmer speakers.

    Requisites: KHMR 5120
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • KHMR 5220 - Intermediate Khmer II

    Culture based approach to increased language proficiency. Students continue to develop listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills as they study diverse history and customs of Khmer speakers.

    Requisites: KHMR 5210
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • KHMR 5900 - Special Topics in Khmer

    Specific course content will vary with offering.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 15
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 1.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • KIKU 5110 - Elementary Kikuyu I

    Culture based approach to increased language proficiency. Students continue to develop listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills as they study diverse history and customs of Kikuyu speakers.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • KIKU 5120 - Elementary Kikuyu II

    Culture based approach to increased language proficiency. Students continue to develop listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills as they study diverse history and customs of Kikuyy speakers.

    Requisites: KIKU 5110
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • KIKU 5210 - Intermediate Kikuyu I

    Culture based approach to increased language proficiency. Students continue to develop listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills as they study diverse history and customs of Kikuyu speakers.

    Requisites: KIKU 5120
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • KIKU 5220 - Intermediate Kikuyu II

    Culture based approach to increased language proficiency. Students continue to develop listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills as they study diverse history and customs of Kikuyu speakers.

    Requisites: KIKU 5210
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • KIKU 5900 - Special Topics in Kikuyu

    Specific course content will vary with offering.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 15
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 1.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LAT 5010 - Beginning Latin I

    First of a year-long sequence that introduce the fundamentals of Latin grammar, syntax, and morphology. Emphasis on reading continuous passages of Latin prose written by or adapted from ancient authors. (Credit does not count toward degree.)

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LAT 5020 - Beginning Latin II

    Second in a year-long sequence that introduce the fundamentals of Latin grammar, syntax, and morphology. Emphasis on reading continuous passages of Latin prose written by or adapted from ancient authors. (Credit does not count toward degree.)

    Requisites: LAT 5010
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LAT 5110 - Studies in Latin Literature of the Republic I

    Extensive reading or study of special topics in period.

    Requisites: LAT 5020 or 4 courses undergraduate Latin
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LAT 5120 - Studies in Latin Literature of the Republic II

    Continuation of 5110. Extensive reading or study of special topics in period.

    Requisites: LAT 5110
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LAT 5210 - Studies in Latin Literature of the Early Empire I

    Advanced study of one or two classical Roman authors. Training in close reading and rigorous textual analysis. Examines variety of recent scholarly approaches to Roman literature. work. Translation and essay exams, oral reports, and individualized research projects.

    Requisites: LAT 5120
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LAT 5220 - Studies in Latin Literature of the Early Empire II

    Continuation of 5210. Extensive reading of selected authors and/or study of special topics in period.

    Requisites: LAT 5120
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LAT 5310 - Graduate Readings in Latin Literature I

    Advanced study of one or two classical Roman authors. Training in close reading and rigorous textual analysis. Examines variety of recent scholarly approaches to Roman literature. Translation and essay exams, oral reports, and individualized research projects.

    Requisites: LAT 5120
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LAT 5320 - Graduate Readings in Latin Literature II

    Continuation of 5310. Advanced study of one or two classical Roman authors. Emphasis on rigorous textual analysis, research and scholarly approaches.

    Requisites: LAT 5120
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LAT 5900 - Special Topics in Latin Literature

    Special topics in Latin literature, authors and genres.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 15
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 1.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LAT 5930 - Independent Study in Latin

    Intensive individual reading, research, and written analysis on topics in Latin literature selected by the student in negotiation with a faculty member and supervised by that faculty member.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 8.0 hours.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 1.0 independent study
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LET 5500 - Criminalistics and Criminal Investigation for Forensic Chemists

    Examines the fundamental principles of criminalistics, forensic science, role of the laboratory and their relationship to the criminal investigation process; crime scene search and recording, collection and preservation of physical evidence; scientific aids, modus operandi, sources of information, investigative follow-up and case preparation which represent a partial list of topics. Instructional goals are teacher directed and learner centered.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 2.0 lecture, 2.0 laboratory
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LET 5600 - Chemistry and the Law

    Examines the role of chemistry in the courtroom. Rules of evidence, admissibility and expert testimony extensively examined. Explores the relationship of logic, ethics, and wrongful convictions from the perspective of a forensic chemist. Particular emphasis given to forensic chemistry related to the disciplines of latent fingerprints, fire debris and explosives, DNA, controlled substances and toxicology. Application of course content in a mock trial involving testimony as an expert witness required.

    Credit Hours: 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5010 - Grammar in Language Learning and Teaching

    An online self-paced introduction to grammar.

    Credit Hours: 1
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 1.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: F,CR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5150 - Distributed Learning Courseware - Basics

    First course in a sequence designed to provide training in developing instructional courseware. Investigation into language teaching related to use of media, focusing on media integration and portability. Video, audio, and multimedia, including audio and video recording, editing, integration into web pages, animations, and other means of distribution, including synchronous and asynchronous audio, video-conferencing, streaming, and experimentation with audio and video related portable devices.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture, independent study
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5160 - Distributed Learning Courseware - Interactive Design

    Second course in a sequence designed to provide training in developing instructional courseware. Investigation into language teaching related to interactive technologies, targeting each of the various language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar. Each of these skills will be addressed through use of CMC, such as weblogs, chat, virtual audio boards, textual discussion boards, as well as web-based materials, course management systems, video-conferencing, telephony, portable devices, and other related technologies as appropriate.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5330 - Introduction to Psycholinguistics

    Study of linguistic behavior and psychological mechanisms responsible for it.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5500 - Introduction to Linguistics

    Technical introduction to linguistics, devices of language description, and methods of linguistic analysis.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5510 - Computers in Language Teaching I

    First class of the CALL Series and is the required class for all master’s linguistics students. Provides background on the history of CALL, as well as current trends in the field. Students will explore a variety of theoretical and practical topics related to CALL. They will also learn to create, edit, and distribute instructional materials.

    Requisites: LING 5500 or concurrent or Linguistics major
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5520 - Computers in Language Teaching II

    Second class expands upon the theory and materials creation of 5510. Primary focus is placed upon the creation, use, and distribution of current technologies for language teaching. Among the topics in this class are Javascript, Hot Potatoes, Multimedia, and Course Management Systems. Students will create, edit, and distribute instructional materials. They will also each create a customized course using a CMS (Course Management System), such as Moodle.

    Requisites: LING 5510
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5600 - Introduction to Phonetics

    Phonetics is the study of the sounds of language. The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the theoretical principles of this field and the methods by which it is studied. With the presence of computers containing sound cards and free software for acoustic analysis, it is now possible for students to become active participants in their acquisition of phonetic concepts. Therefore, in addition to learning from readings, lectures, discussions, and assignments, students will have several opportunities to analyze the speech of themselves and others.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5610 - Introduction to Phonology and Morphology

    Introductory course in analysis of sound systems of natural languages.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5700 - Syntactic Description of English

    Focuses on the prominent structural patterns observed in various phrases and sentences in English. The approach is descriptive rather than explanatory. The students learn how to analyze syntactic patterns of English objectively and how to express them in grammatical terminology.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5701 - Grammar and Syntax

    Familiarizes students with philosophical foundations and theoretical argumentation of Chomskyan generative grammar known as the Principles and Parameters Approach. The approach is explanatory as well as descriptive. Students learn how to develop theoretical hypotheses to account for syntactic phenomena and how to improve the accounts by continuous testing and revision of the hypotheses.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5750 - Language Learning

    Introduction to theories of first and second language acquisition and their implications for language teaching methodology.

    Requisites: LING 5500 or Linguistics major
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 4.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5760 - Second Language Acquisition Research and Theory

    Research and theories of second language acquisition.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5800 - Methods and Materials in TEFL

    Second language teaching theory and methodology, with emphasis on teaching English as foreign language and language materials and course design.

    Requisites: LING 5750 or concurrent or Linguistics majors
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5820 - Introduction to English for Specific Purposes

    This course surveys the literature that has contributed to the growth of the field of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). ESP refers to the branch of language teaching and research in which English-language course content and teaching approaches are derived from an analysis of language use in a specific context. The course examines the key theories, principles, and ideas that form the basis of current approaches to ESP. Included in the course are more practical questions of needs analysis, curriculum design, materials development, and assessment.

    Requisites: LING 5800 or concurrent
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 seminar
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5830 - Assesing Language Abilities: Proseminar in TEFL Testing

    Advanced research in special problems in testing English as a second or foreign language.

    Requisites: LING 5800 or concurrent or Linguistics majors
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5850 - Historical Linguistics

    Study of genealogical and typological classification of languages, methods of historical analysis, and change in language systems.

    Requisites: LING 5610 or 560
    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5860 - Semantics and Pragmatics

    Introduction to semantics and pragmatics and their interface.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5880 - Special Topics in Applied Linguistics

    Critical examination of basic assumptions, approaches, and methods of particular subfields of applied linguistics.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 8.0 hours.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5900 - Special Topics in Linguistics

    Specific course content will vary with offering.

    Credit Hours: 1 - 15
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 1.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,CR,PR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5901 - Sociolinguistics and Bilingualism

    Examines language varieties and their social functions with implications for educational policy and national language planning. The course introduces students to different approcahes to sociolinguistic research and the application of sociolinguistic theories and research in addressing contemporary issues. The course also intruduces students to the basic aspects of bilingual education from the historical legal, sociological, linguistic, and educational perspectives.

    Credit Hours: 4
    Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture
    Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I
  • LING 5912 - Internship in TESOL

    Practice in ESL teaching, instructional support, and/or program administration.

    Requisites: Permission required
    Credit Hours: 1 - 3
    Repeat/Retake Information: May be repeated for a maximum of 6.0 hours.
    Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 field experience/internship
    Eligible Grades: F,CR,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I

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