Mar 10, 2025
EE 4053 - Physical and Power Electronics Simplified 1-dimensional band theory of solids. Valence and conduction band occupancy from Fermi-Dirac statistics. Hole conduction and doping. Derivation of PN junction volt-amp-temperature characteristic. DC and AC characteristics of junction transistors derived from fundamentals. Application of semiconductor theory to solid state devices. Charge control analysis. Electro-optical effects. Semiconductor devices for the conversion and control of electric power. Device protection.
Requisites: EE 3343 Credit Hours: 3.0 Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken two times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts. Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture Eligible grades: A-F,WP,WF,FN,FS,AU,I
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