Feb 05, 2025
EE 5143 - Design of Digital Circuits Digital design of microelectronic circuits, simulation, verification, and specification. Structural design concepts, design tools. VHDL language, data types, objects, operators, control statements, concurrent statements, functions, and procedures. VHDL modeling techniques, algorithmic, RTL, and gate level designs. Introduction to very large scale integration (VLSI) technology and design of CMOS integrated circuits. VLSI fabrication process, design rules, logic design, performance estimation, chip engineering, and computer aids to VLSI design. Emphasis on virtual prototyping, circuit design, optimization, verification, and testing. Design synthesis.
Requisites: Credit Hours: 3 Repeat/Retake Information: May not be retaken. Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture Grades: Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I Learning Outcomes: - Ability to analyze and test digital designs using VHDL.
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