Mar 13, 2025
CHEM 4840 - Forensic Chemistry I: Arson, Explosives and DNA Survey topics, which are not included in CHEM 4870 or law enforcement technology (LET) courses, relevant to the modern crime lab. These topics will be focused on arson and explosives analysis and DNA analysis. The DNA section will survey the techniques and instrumentation used in the identification, extraction, and analysis of DNA obtained from forensic evidence with an emphasis on electrophoretic methods of analysis. Topics include the identification and extraction of blood stains, DNA analysis by restriction fragment length polymorphisms, PCR amplified length and sequence polymorphisms, STR systems, Amelogenin markers, Y-chromosome markers and mitochondrial DNA sequencing. Electrophoretic techniques and statistical interpretation of data will also be covered. Other topics may also be included.
Requisites: C- or better in CHEM 4310 Credit Hours: 3 Repeat/Retake Information: May be retaken two times excluding withdrawals, but only last course taken counts. Lecture/Lab Hours: 3.0 lecture Grades: Eligible Grades: A-F,WP,WF,WN,FN,AU,I Learning Outcomes: - Be able to explain the proper collection and analysis of materials for arson and trace explosive detection.
- Demonstrate the ability, in relation to the forensic DNA techniques covered by this course, to communicate using professional forensic/ scientific terminology.
- Understand and explain the application of statistics to interpretation of DNA evidence.
- Understand and explain the basic processes and techniques involved in forensic DNA analysis as practiced in accredited forensic DNA laboratories.
- Understand and explain the key investigative techniques used by forensic DNA in wider contexts such as the use of microbial and animal forensic DNA
- Understand and explain the role of chemical analyses in the determination of arson in criminal and civil cases.
- Understand how to interpret phorerograms and effectively present and defend DNA evidence as an expert witness in court.
- Understand the chemistry of burning, deflagration and explosions.
- Understand the different categories of ignitable liquids and agents used to start fires and initiate explosions.
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