Jan 14, 2025  
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12 
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12 [Archived Catalog]

Modern Languages

Modern Languages
College of Arts and Sciences
Gordy Hall 283
Phone: 740.593.2765
Fax: 740.593.0729

Betsy Partyka, Chair


The Department of Modern Languages at Ohio University offers a complete series of courses leading to a bachelor’s degree (with or without teaching certification) with a major in French, German, Spanish, or Russian. The Department also offers an Italian Studies certificate program.

The diverse course offerings embrace all aspects of language, literature, and culture: reading, conversation, composition, language for business purposes (French, German, and Spanish), language for journalism majors (French), civilization, phonetics, stylistics, dramatic performance, methods of language teaching, audiovisual techniques, film, and the opportunity for internships and independent study, including study abroad.



French (BA5221) 

German (BA5222) 

Russian (BA5224) 

Spanish (BA5225) 







Students can benefit from the many services available in the Language Resource Center, located in Gordy Hall. The LRC features an outstanding selection of language recordings, films, and other audiovisual materials. Language students have access to computer labs that feature iMacs and Emacs with Internet webcams, and DVD/CD capabilities. A wide selection of language software and multimedia applications is available as well.

The Department has chapters of foreign language honoraries Delta Phi Alpha, Phi Sigma Iota, and Sigma Delta Pi. For information on the honors tutorial programs in French and Spanish, see the Honors Tutorial College section.

The following study abroad programs are available through the Department:

  1. Austria: spring quarter in Salzburg offers beginning through advanced German.
  2. Canada: 6-week summer program in Quebec City offers courses in beginning through advanced French.
  3. Ecuador: spring quarter in Cuenca offers courses in intermediate through advanced Spanish.
  4. France: spring quarter in Avignon offers advanced French courses.
  5. Mexico: winter quarter in Merida offers intermediate and advanced Spanish and coursework in Latin American area studies.
  6. Puerto Rico: winter intersession in Puerto Rico offers one upper-level course.
  7. Russia: spring quarter in Moscow offers intermediate and advanced Russian.
  8. Spain: one-, two-, or three-quarter sequence in Toledo offers courses necessary for completing the Spanish major or minor and for working toward the Certificate in European Studies. A summer session is also available.
  9. Italy:  summer intensive language program in Florence.  The Department also offers an Italian Studies certificate program.
  10. Brazil:  summer session five-week program offers courses in intermediate Portuguese.
  11. Ecuador: summer session six-week program offers TEFL Certificate (does not count toward study abroad requirement).