OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12 [Archived Catalog]
Journalism, E. W. Scripps School of
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Robert Stewart, Director
Hugh Martin, Associate Director
Michael Sweeney, Director of Graduate Studies
Bachelor of Science in Journalism
Ohio University’s E. W. Scripps School of Journalism is accredited by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. It is one of a limited number of accredited schools and departments of journalism in the United States.
Mission Statement
The E.W. Scripps School of Journalism is dedicated to the needs of its students; to excellence in teaching, advising, service, and research; and to leadership in journalism education. The School provides a liberal arts foundation combined with a professional education and practical experience for its students. The goals are to search for truth; to develop critical analysis, thinking, writing, and speaking abilities; and to enhance free, responsible, and effective expression of ideas. To that end, the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism:
stresses the importance of the First Amendment;
fosters the highest standards of journalism ethics;
prepares students to enter the journalism professions;
provides a liaison between students and professionals;
involves students and the faculty in an extended University;
values an international presence and perspective;
attracts, nurtures, and retains a diverse group of outstanding students;
expands scholarly activity to enhance the body of knowledge within journalism;
supports a diverse faculty offering an array of contributions;
offers an environment that equips students to live in a diverse world; and
upholds the University mission of commitment to educational excellence through focus on the individual student.
Studying Journalism at Ohio University
Journalism is a profession that incorporates knowledge from various disciplines, as well as critical thinking and practical application skills. At the E. W. Scripps School of Journalism, the curriculum is blended with a strong liberal arts foundation and with professional skills courses. Six sequences are offered, all leading to the Bachelor of Science in Journalism degree: advertising management, broadcast news, magazine, news writing and editing, public relations, and online journalism. Journalism students also can put together their own program of study. The Carr Van Anda sequence, named after New York Times managing editor Carr Van Anda, allows juniors with a 3.0 accumulative GPA in all work to elect an approved sequence of courses in journalism to go along with the journalism core courses, to equal 45-64 hours. The program of study must be approved by the student’s adviser and the director of the E. W. Scripps School of Journalism.
Media Practice
A basic philosophy of the jschool is that students need media experience while working toward their degrees. Experience is available on ATHENSi.com, a portal Web site; Athens MidDay, a daily news broadcast; WOUB News, news programs broadcast on the University’s AM, FM and television stations; The Post, the independent daily campus newspaper; Southeast Ohio, the jschool’s laboratory magazine; the Athena, the University yearbook; The Ohio Journalist, the jschool’s alumni publication; and on speakeasymag.com, a student produced Web magazine focusing on arts and culture on campus. Public relations students gain hands-on experience through ImPRessions, a student-run public relations agency. Advertising students participate annually in the National Student Advertising Competition, working on a campaign for a national client. Online journalism opportunities are available for students through virtually any department or agency on campus or in the community. Students also work on the staffs of local newspapers and University publications. [read more]
Internship Program
Consistent with its policy of combining classwork with practical training, the E. W. Scripps School of Journalism requires each student to complete an adviser-approved internship. Internships provide varied hands-on experiences in media-related organizations and are located throughout the nation. In addition, the jschool’s Institute for International Journalism has helped more than 200 Ohio University journalism students complete John R. Wilhelm foreign correspondence internships in about 30 countries since the program began in 1970.
Technology in Journalism Education
New technology is an important element within any journalism career. The E. W. Scripps School of Journalism is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and provides courses and practical experience to aid students in developing the skills required to adapt to the new age of journalism.
Admission Requirements
The E. W. Scripps School of Journalism admits only the best academically and professionally qualified freshmen who rank in the top 15 percent of their high school classes and meet minimum standardized test score requirements (25 ACT/1140 SAT). Students demonstrating notable talent or experience and members of disproportionately represented groups will be given special consideration. Note: The school has an admission deadline of December 15, which is earlier than the University’s application deadline.
Transfer Application
The faculty of the E. W. Scripps School of Journalism is dedicated to quality instruction in preparing students for careers in the journalism disciplines. To provide this quality of instruction, the School’s policy is to maintain an enrollment at a number that can be served effectively by its faculty. The policy on transfer students is a means by which the School can better maintain its academic quality. The policy applies to all transfers from other departments at Ohio University, as well as from other colleges and universities.
Approximately 40 transfer students are admitted to the E. W. Scripps School of Journalism each year. Transfer students from within or outside Ohio University will be considered only when they have completed at least 48 quarter hours (32 semester hours), with a minimum 3.0 GPA. In addition to grades, consideration will be given to journalism courses taken, journalism experience or background in a program offered by the School (professional or college), test scores, letters of recommendation, personal statements of intent, and work samples. Applicants for transfer must use the School’s Application for Transfer form, which is available on the “Admissions Information” section of the jschool’s Web site (scrippsjschool.org/about/admission.php). Official transcripts, letters, and other supporting documents must be attached to the Application for Transfer at the time of its submission.
Transfer applications are accepted twice during the academic year – no later than October 1 for transfer in winter quarter and March 1 for transfer in fall quarter. Application for transfer can be made only once per academic year. Applications must be received by the above dates. Late applications will not be considered. A special faculty committee will conduct evaluations and recommendations. The School’s director and associate director will make final decisions.
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