The department offers a Ph.D. degree with tracks in either pure or applied mathematics. The pure mathematics track is primarily in algebra, analysis, and topology. The applied mathematics track covers a broad spectrum of research areas, including dynamical systems, partial and ordinary differential equations, integral equations, optimal control theory, numerical analysis, computational harmonic analysis, statistics, stochastic processes, coding theory, and mathematical biology.
Recent graduates have written dissertations on the theory of non-commutative rings and modules, linear algebra, group theory, optimization theory, general and set theoretic topology, real analysis, boundary value problems, KdV equations, and nonlinear differential and integral equations, and algebraic coding theory. Each student is encouraged to design a program of study suited to his or her needs, for close association between students and faculty members is a major strength of our department.
No specific courses are required for the Ph.D., but each student must pass a comprehensive examination and write an acceptable dissertation. A student is for further details. The Ph.D. candidate is expected to write a dissertation that is a scholarly work demonstrating the ability to understand, organize, improve, and present mathematical ideas of outstanding importance, depth, or interest. It should include original mathematical research and be worthy of publication.
Students are encouraged to develop the ability to read mathematics in the languages which predominate the literature of the discipline. Students in post-master’s courses are expected to understand mathematics written in one or more of the following languages: French, German, or Russian.
Admission and Financial Support
To be admitted to graduate study, you should have an undergraduate GPA of at least a B (3.0 on a 4.0 scale).Applicants admitted with deficiencies will be expected to make up the deficiencies during their first year.
Conferral of a graduate degree requires at least a B (3.0) GPA both in the courses taken towards satisfying the degree requirements as well as in all courses taken at Ohio University. Students whose overall GPA stays below 3.0 in three consecutive quarters will be dropped from the program.
You may apply for admission for any quarter. To apply for financial aid for the following academic year, you should apply by February 1, although late applications will be considered if vacancies exist. Support is available in the form of Teaching Assistantships (TAs), Doctoral Fellowships, and Graduate Recruitment Stipends (GRS). Students in the M.S. program can receive financial support for up to six quarters.
For further information on our graduate program, see