Mar 06, 2025
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2007-08 [Archived Catalog]
International Studies - Europe Major (B.A.)
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Major code BA4407
International Studies
The Bachelor of Arts in International Studies program is an interdisciplinary Arts and Science major administered through the Center for International Studies which seeks to prepare students for international competence. Major requirements consist of 33 hours in courses of a broad cross-cultural or international nature and 28 hours on a single world region. A certificate is available for students who wish to add an international dimension to their major. For the major and the certificate, students choose an area of focus in Africa, Asia, Europe, or Latin America. College-level Requirements
Please see the appropriate college listing for college-level academic requirements. Education Abroad Requirement
Students majoring in International Studies are required to have a minimum of one quarter (10 weeks) of education abroad in the area of the world in which they are concentrating and where their language of study is spoken. The primary goals of education abroad are to increase language competency and to gain exposure to the culture of the world region on which the student is concentrating. It is strongly recommended that students study abroad after completing the equivalent of at least two years of language study. Before going abroad, students must complete a Foreign Study checklist in consultation with the BAIS coordinator and the Office of Education Abroad. International Studies Required Courses
Complete the following three courses with a B- or better average: Complete one course based on area of focus:
Comparative/International Studies
Complete 12 hours from the following: Environmental Literacy
Complete 12 hours from the following: Oral Proficiency Requirement
Completion of ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview with Intermediate High score in one of the following languages: French, German, Italian, Portuguese*, or Spanish. Go to www.languagetesting.com/scale_acad.htm for description of score. Students are advised to schedule their OPI after two years of language study (or the equivalent) and as soon as possible after study abroad by completing a Telephonic Oral Proficiency Interview Form available through the Department of Modern Languages. Students will pay $134.00 for their interview. Half-hour telephonic interviews will occur during final exam week in the library. Interviews will be rated by two ACTFL certified officials. Ratings will be accessed by password and certificates printed out if the necessary score is achieved. OR Completion of ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview with Intermediate Mid score in Russian. Go to www.languagetesting.com/scale_acad.htm for description of score. Students are advised to schedule their OPI after two years of language study (or the equivalent) and as soon as possible after study abroad by completing a Telephonic Oral Proficiency Interview Form available through the Department of Modern Languages. Students will pay $134.00 for their interview. Half-hour telephonic interviews will occur during final exam week in the library. Interviews will be rated by two ACTFL certified officials. Ratings will be accessed by password and certificates printed out if the necessary score is achieved. Students may petition the BAIS Faculty Advisory Board through the BAIS Coordinator to have a language they take elsewhere fulfill the BAIS requirement, and complete an Oral Proficiency Interview according to standards and process outlined by the BAIS Faculty Advisory Board. If possible, it is advised that students make their petition before beginning the planned language study. *Courses in these languages taken at Ohio University do not satisfy College of Arts and Sciences language requirement. Coursework (24 hours)
24 hours of coursework from a minimum of 3 departments: - A H 327 - Art of the 19th Century Credit Hours: 4
- ANTH 372 - Cultures of the World Credit Hours: 4
(must have Europe focus) - ECON 353 - European Economic History Credit Hours: 4
- FR 345 - French for Business Credit Hours: 4
- FR 348 - French Civilization and Culture Credit Hours: 4
- FR 349 - French Civilization and Culture Credit Hours: 4
- FR 354 - Introduction to Reading French Literature Credit Hours: 4
- FR 355 - Introduction to Prose Credit Hours: 4
- FR 356 - Introduction to Drama and Poetry Credit Hours: 4
- FR 433 - 20th-Century French Literature III Credit Hours: 4
- FR 434 - French Through Film Credit Hours: 4
- FR 435 - Proseminar Credit Hours: 1 to 4
(must have Europe focus) - FR 439 - Modern French Usage Credit Hours: 4
- FR 441 - Stylistics and Criticism Credit Hours: 4
- GEOG 330 - Geography of Western Europe Credit Hours: 4
- GER 348 - German Culture and Civilization Credit Hours: 4
- GER 355 - Introduction to German Literature Credit Hours: 4
- GER 356 - Introduction to German Literature Credit Hours: 4
- GER 429 - 20th-Century German Literature Credit Hours: 4
- GER 433 - German Lyric Poetry Credit Hours: 4
- GER 441 - Stylistics Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 265A - Nazi Germany Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 360A - Women in Early Modern European History, 1400-1800 Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 360C - Women Warriors:Women and War in Europe Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 362A - Europe, 1814-1871 Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 362B - Europe, 1871-1914 Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 364A - Europe Between World Wars Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 364B - Contemporary Europe Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 366A - Modern France in the 19th Century Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 366B - Modern France in the 20th Century Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 368A - Modern Germany in the 19th Century Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 368B - Modern Germany in the 20th Century Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 374A - Balance of Power: Napoleon to the Kaiser Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 374B - Origins of World War II, 1914-1941 Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 375 - World War I Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 377 - Jewish Holocaust Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 382A - History of Russia Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 382B - Russia: Road to Revolution 1825-1917 Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 382C - Soviet Union Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 382D - The USSR in World War II Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 383B - Modern Poland from 1905 to the Present Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 392C - 20th Century Britain Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 396A - European Intellectual and Cultural, 18th-20th Century Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 396B - European Intellectual and Cultural, 20th Century Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 463 - Studies in 19th-Century Europe Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 467 - Studies in Modern France Credit Hours: 4
- HIST 483 - Studies in Russian and Soviet History Credit Hours: 4
- ILML 334(A-Z) - Portuguese and Brazilian Literature in English Credit Hours: 4
“Seminars on special topics, carrying varying content, titles, and alphabetical designations. Check the Schedule of Classes each quarter for specific offerings.” - ILML 335(A-Z) - Italian Literature in English Credit Hours: 4
“Seminars on special topics, carrying varying content, titles, and alphabetical designations. Check the Schedule of Classes each quarter for specific offerings.” - ILML 336(A-Z) - Spanish Literature in English Credit Hours: 4
“Seminars on special topics, carrying varying content, titles, and alphabetical designations. Check the Schedule of Classes each quarter for specific offerings.” - ILML 337(A-Z) - French Literature in English Credit Hours: 4
“Seminars on special topics, carrying varying content, titles, and alphabetical designations. Check the Schedule of Classes each quarter for specific offerings.” - ILML 338(A-Z) - German Literature in English Credit Hours: 4
“Seminars on special topics, carrying varying content, titles, and alphabetical designations. Check the Schedule of Classes each quarter for specific offerings.” - ILML 339(A-Z) - Russian Literature in English Credit Hours: 4
“Seminars on special topics, carrying varying content, titles, and alphabetical designations. Check the Schedule of Classes each quarter for specific offerings.” - ITAL 341 - Advanced Conversation and Composition Credit Hours:
- ITAL 342 - Advanced Conversation and Composition Credit Hours: 4
- ITAL 348 - Italian Civilization and Culture Credit Hours: 4
- PHIL 444 - Philosophy of Marxism Credit Hours: 5
- PHIL 458 - Contemporary European Philosophy Credit Hours: 5
- POLS 331 - Politics in Western Europe Credit Hours: 4
- POLS 333 - Politics in Russia and Former Soviet Union Credit Hours: 4
- POLS 432 - Policy Making in Russia Credit Hours: 4
- POLS 433 - Russian Foreign Policy Credit Hours: 4
- POLS 438 - Government and Politics of Germany Credit Hours: 4
- POLS 439 - Politics in France Credit Hours: 4
- POLS 490 - Studies in Political Science Credit Hours: 3 to 5
(must have Europe focus) - RUS 348 - The Cultural History of Russia Credit Hours: 4
- RUS 349 - The Cultural History of Russia Credit Hours: 4
- RUS 355 - Introduction to Russian Literature Credit Hours: 4
- RUS 356 - Introduction to Russian Literature Credit Hours: 4
- RUS 429 - Russian Literature in the Soviet Era Credit Hours: 4
- RUS 441 - Stylistics Credit Hours: 4
- SPAN 345 - Business Spanish Credit Hours: 4
- SPAN 348 - Spanish Civilization and Culture Credit Hours: 4
- SPAN 354 - Dramatizations of the Hispanic World Credit Hours: 4
- SPAN 355 - Fictions of the Hispanic World Credit Hours: 4
- SPAN 356 - Poetic Images of the Hispanic World Credit Hours: 4
- SPAN 438 - Hispanic Dialectology and Sociolinguistics Credit Hours: 4
- SPAN 439 - Modern Spanish Usage Credit Hours: 4
- SPAN 441 - Stylistics Credit Hours: 4
- SPAN 453 - Drama of the Golden Age Credit Hours: 4
- SPAN 455 - Novel of the Golden Age Credit Hours: 4
- SPAN 458 - Don Quijote de la Mancha Credit Hours: 4
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