Certificate code CTGISU
College of Arts and Sciences
Geography Department
Clippinger Laboratories 122
Athens, OH 45701
Phone: 740.593.1140
Fax: 740.593.1138
Gaurav Sinha, certificate coordinator/contact person
Program Overview
The ability to think spatially, interpret maps, and creatively use geospatial technologies is a fundamental skill expected in a wide variety of careers today. Maps and mapping technologies also underlie a significant proportion of everyday decision makings. Acquiring such skills requires formal training in many topics related to the interdisciplinary field of Geographic Information Science (GIScience). The Certificate in GIScience is designed for students to complement their major with knowledge of mapping and geospatial technologies. The curriculum ensures a balanced background in the three core areas of GIScience: i) theoretical foundations of mapping and geospatial analysis, ii) use of geospatial technologies for creating, mapping, and analyzing geographic information, and iii) general computational and information analysis skills. The certificate is open to all undergraduates except those enrolled in the GIScience major.
Admissions Information
Freshman/First-Year Admission
No requirements beyond University admission requirements.
Change of Program Policy
No selective or limited admission requirements.
External Transfer Admission
No requirements beyond University admission requirements.
Opportunities Upon Graduation
Job opportunities for GIS specialists abound in both government and private sectors. Depending on skill level, career tracks include, but are not limited to the following: data technician, database administrator, cartographer, geospatial analyst, software designer, GIS educator, and project manager.