Major code *BS5512
Regional Higher Education
Ohio University Zanesville
Elson Hall
1425 Newark Road
Zanesville, OH 43701
Phone: 740.588.1439
Fax: 740.453.6161
Kathy Normansell, contact person or any regional campus student services office
Program Overview
The Bachelor of Science in Sport and Lifestyle Studies is a liberal arts degree, offered through Regional Higher Education (RHE), which will prepare graduates for meaningful employment in Appalachian Ohio. The interdisciplinary curriculum is comprised of core didactic courses and a set of departmental and professional requirements. The core didactic requirements introduce the foundations of sport, recreation, health/wellness, and ethics; and provide theoretical and practical development in the areas of leadership and management. The Extra departmental and professional requirement component has four subsets: students will choose from a variety of activity courses designed to build their personal recreation and sports skills; select from a choice of introductory business courses; select from a choice of biological science courses; and select from upper level courses in related discipline offerings. In addition to these 63 semester hours of core major requirements, the degree requires the completion of minor or certificate to be selected in consultation with an Academic Adviser. Due to several Tier II courses also being required in the core, students who enter the major their first year and who follow solid advising guidelines may be able to complete two minors. This flexibility in course selection will allow students to tailor the degree towards their personal interests, as well as their projected community needs, thus enhancing their potential to meet community job market demands.* Note: This program was approved by the Ohio Board of Regents on 9/09/2014
Admissions Information
Freshman/First-Year Admission
No requirements beyond Ohio University admission requirements.
Change of Program Policy
No selective or limited admission requirements. Students must receive a C or higher in any major required course.
External Transfer Admission
No requirements beyond University admission requirements. Students transferring with an Associate Degree from another institution may seek
written permission from the Program Coordinator to waive the minor requirement.
Opportunities Upon Graduation
Graduates of the Sport and Lifestyle Studies Program will be prepared for work in a variety of sport and activity settings including youth sports leagues, senior centers, nursing homes, community recreation centers, commercial recreation settings, and government parks and recreation departments. By integrating the fields of sport, recreation and health, along with a selected minor, the SLS degree will offer a unique program that will be highly adaptable to the regional Appalachian communities served by the five RHE campuses of Ohio University.