Certificate Name and Number: Geospatial Information Science: GIS & Cartography (CTGISC, ND9984)
Department/Unit: Department of Geography
Delivery Mode: Online
Certificate Overview: The ability to think spatially, interpret maps, and creatively use geospatial technologies is a fundamental skill expected in a wide variety of careers today. Maps and mapping technologies also underlie a significant proportion of everyday decision-making. Acquiring such skills requires formal training in many topics related to the interdisciplinary field of Geospatial Information Science (GIScience). This online graduate certificate is designed for recent college graduates and working professionals without prior background in GIS and Cartography. The curriculum ensures a balanced background in the three core areas of GIScience:
- theoretical foundations of mapping and geospatial analysis;
- use of geospatial technologies for creating, mapping, and analyzing geographic information; and
- general computational and/or information analysis skills.
Graduation Requirements: Students must complete four courses (16 credit hours), including three core courses (with a minimum grade of “C”) and one elective. Each course is four credit hours. The minimum GPA requirement for earning this certificate is 3.0. Questions about the certificate should be directed to the Certificate Coordinator, whom enrolled students should also contact for verification of completion and awarding of the certificate.
Certificate Coordinator
Gaurav Sinha
Department of Geography
Ohio University
Clippinger Labs 105A
Athens OH 45701
Core Courses
GEOG 5730 Principles of GIS
GEOG 5600 Cartography I
GEOG 5610 Cartography II (Prerequisite: GEOG 5730 OR GEOG 5600)
Elective Courses (choose one)
GEOG 5740 GIS Design & Application Development (Prerequisite: GEOG 5730)
GEOG 5760 Advanced Spatial Analysis & GIS Applications (Prerequisite: GEOG 5730)
GEOG 5770 Advanced Topics in Geoinformatics (Prerequisite: GEOG 5730)
Admission Requirements: The certificate is open to anyone who has earned a bachelor’s degree, who is not currently enrolled in a graduate degree program at Ohio University. Before they can enroll for this certificate, applicants must first complete a non-degree application (ND9984) as described in the Graduate Catalog. Questions about the certificate can be directed to the Certificate Coordinator.