Master of Music in Music Performance
Performance - Emphasis in Performance/Pedagogy - MM5054
School of Music
497 Glidden Hall
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio 45701
Delivery Mode: Athens Campus
Terms of Entry: Fall, Spring
Program Overview
The mission of the Performance/Pedagogy program is to train performers in the art of teaching. Areas of concentration available in the Master of Music with emphasis in pedagogy degree program are strings, woodwinds, voice, and piano. The goal of the pedagogy emphasis program is to prepare students for teaching in colleges, public schools, and private studios. A greater emphasis is given to pedagogy and pedagogical techniques, including teaching methods and materials, than in the traditional performance curriculum. Students in piano also receive group and private piano instruction. An audition is required on the major instrument for admission to these programs. It is advantageous to have previous experience on at least one other family instrument for students pursuing the degree in woodwinds and strings.Program
Program Learning Objectives
Students will develop advanced capacities to work independently and make effective artistic and intellectual judgments and professional decisions in the area of specialization.
Opportunities for Graduates
The goal of the pedagogy emphasis is to prepare students for college level teaching, public school teaching, as well as to develop and strengthen their own private studios. A greater emphasis is given to pedagogy and pedagogical techniques than in the traditional performance curriculum.
Further Information
Link to Program:
Link to Program Handbook:
Admission Requirements
Acceptance into the Master of Music in Performance with Emphasis in Performance/Pedagogy program is by audition only for all entering students.
International Students
This program permits full-time enrollment in residence at Ohio University, and an I-20 may be issued based on admission to this program.
Graduation Requirements
The Performance/Pedagogy program requires a minimum of 36 to 47 credit hours, depending on the track. Complete the requirements for one of the five tracks together with the culminating recital that is required of all students.