Feb 19, 2025
OHIO University Undergraduate Catalog 2024-25
General Science Emphasis Major (A.S.)
Major code AS1099* (Campus code)/AS1096 (OHIO Online code)
University College
Chubb Hall 140
Athens, OH 45701
Phone: 740.593.1935
Fax: 740.593.0206
Julie Cohara, Director of Degree Programs/contact person
Program Overview
Ohio University’s University College stewards the Associate of Arts (A.A.) and Associate of Science (A.S.) degree programs. The A.A. provides students two degree emphasis options to focus their program in fine arts/humanities or social sciences. The A.S. affords students the opportunity to emphasize natural sciences/applied sciences/quantitative skills in their program of study. These associate degree programs are available on all Ohio University campuses.
The A.A. and A.S. curricula integrate the Ohio Department of Higher Education’s (ODHE) Ohio Transfer Module (OTM), which allows students’ general education coursework to become transferable within the state. See the Admissions section of this catalog for more information.
In their 2016 Guidelines and Procedures for Academic Program Review, ODHE maintains the belief that the A.A. and A.S. degrees “serve as the first two years of a bachelor’s degree.” Students seeking this degree should work closely with their A.A./A.S. academic advisor to identify Bachelor programs of interest and strategically identify the appropriate general education courses that overlap in both the A.A./A.S. program and desired Bachelor program(s) of interest.
This degree is available on all campuses. The A.S. degree requires a minimum of 60 hours. A maximum of 15 hours earned through the prior learning assessment program may be applied to the A.A. or A.S. degree. At least 18 of the total credits earned toward the A.A. or A.S. must be Ohio University credits. In addition, at least 50 percent of the coursework taken in the area of concentration for the A.S. degree program must be completed through Ohio University. Technical courses count only as electives for both the A.A. and A.S. degrees. You must earn at least a 2.0 GPA in the area of concentration and overall to earn the degree.
If you plan to earn the A.S. degree, contact the director of degree programs in University College so that the valid major code can be properly recorded.
*This program was previously AS1104 - Associate in Science. As part of a recent degree reconciliation process with the State of Ohio, the program code and name will be changing to AS1099 - General Science Emphasis effective the 2024-25 catalog year. The degree offered will be the Associate of Science.
Admissions Information
Freshman/First-Year Admission
No requirements beyond University admission requirements. This program is not eligible for double-majoring with the following associate program codes: AA1094 , AA1095 , AA1097 , AA1098 , AI5499 , AI5509 . Additionally, this program is not an appropriate degree program for someone who has previously completed a bachelor’s degree.
Change of Program Policy
No selective or limited admission requirements. This program is not eligible for double-majoring with the following associate program codes: AA1094 , AA1095 , AA1097 , AA1098 , AI5499 , AI5509 . Additionally, this program is not an appropriate degree program for someone who has previously completed a bachelor’s degree.
External Transfer Admission
No selective or limited admission requirements. This program is not eligible for double-majoring with the following associate program codes: AA1094 , AA1095 , AA1097 , AA1098 , AI5499 , AI5509 . Additionally, this program is not an appropriate degree program for someone who has previously completed a bachelor’s degree.
Opportunities Upon Graduation
Many entry positions now require an associate degree. A liberal arts degree, like the Associate of Science, can also provide the foundation for a future bachelor’s degree.
Associate Degree Information
Second Associate Degree You cannot earn the same associate degree twice. Furthermore, you are not permitted to earn both the A.A. and A.S. degrees. If you have already earned the A.I.S. degree, you are not permitted to earn either the A.A. or A.S. degree. Although it is possible to complete an A.A.B. or A.A.S. degree with a double major, you can earn the degree only once. If an A.A. or A.S. has been completed previously, you will not be permitted to complete the A.I.S. Associate Degree After a Baccalaureate Degree The Associate of Arts or the Associate of Science will not be granted if you have already earned a baccalaureate degree. The associate program requirements are implied in a four-year degree program. A.A. and A.S. General Education Requirements
Students completing Ohio University’s Associate of Arts and Associate of Science degrees are required to complete 36 hours of OTM-approved coursework with a minimum of 24 semester hours from the following: - Written Communication (3 hours). Either ENG 1510 or 1610 (for non-native English speakers only) will satisfy the written communication requirement.
- Quantitative Reasoning (3 hours). Courses that fulfill Quantitative Reasoning requirement are marked in this catalog with the designation (FQR) as the general education code.
- Humanities: Arts (3 hours). Courses that fulfill the Humanities: Arts requirement are marked in this catalog with the designation (PHA) as the general education code.
- Humanities: Texts and Contexts (3 hours). Courses that fulfill the Humanities: Texts and Contexts requirement are marked in this catalog with the designation (PHTC) as the general education code.
- Social or Behavioral Science or Connected World (6 hours). Courses that fulfill the Social or Behavioral Science requirement are marked in this catalog with the designation (PSBS) as the general education code. Courses that fulfill the Connected World requirement are marked in this catalog with the designation (ACNW) as the general education code.
- Natural Science or Natural World (6 hours). Courses that fulfill the Natural Science requirement are marked in this catalog with the designation (PNS) as the general education code. Courses that fulfill the Natural World requirement are marked in this catalog with the designation (ANW) as the general education code.
NOTE: Common courses used to fulfill BRICKS requirements may also be used to fulfill major requirements. The following courses may also be used towards the 36 hours of General Education coursework: COMS 1030 and ENG 2800 . Graduation Hours Requirement
The Associate of Science degree requires completion of a minimum of 60 semester hours. NOTE: Common courses used to fulfill BRICKS requirements may also be used to fulfill major requirements. Natural Science, Mathematics, Statistics, and Logic Concentration
Complete at least 15 hours in the following courses: - Anthropology: ANTH 2010 , 3460 , 3550 , 3600 , 4470 , 4480 , 4740 , 3960
- Astronomy: ASTR****
- Athletic Training: AT 2690
- Biological Science: BIOL 1010 and BIOS**** except BIOS 1100 and BIOS 1500
- Chemistry: CHEM**** except for the following: CHEM D015 , 1100 , 1150 , 1151 , 1152 , 3005 , 3006
- College of Arts and Sciences: CAS 1415 , 2000 , 2405 , 2411 , 2600
- Computer Science: CS 3000 , 4160
- Economics: ECON 2890
- Engineering and Technology: ET 2400 , 2450
- Environmental and Plant Biology: PBIO**** except PBIO 2170
- Environmental Studies: ES 4250 , 4300 , 4500 , 4710 , 4832
- Geography: GEOG 1100 , 2060 , 2680 , 2710 , 3010 , 3020 , 3031 , 3040 , 3050 , 3150 , 3160 , 3580 , 3650 , 3712 , 4035 , 4060 , 4070 , 4080 , 4090 , 4110 , 4130 , 4170 , 4660 , 4670 , 4730 , 4760 , 4770 , 4941 , 4942 , 4943 , 4944
- Geology: GEOL****
- Mathematics: MATH**** except for the following: MATH D005 , D300 , D301 , 1090 , 4100
- Philosophy: PHIL 1200
- Physical Science: PSC****
- Physics: PHYS**** except PHYS 1021 and 1022
- Political Science: POLS 2800
- Psychology: PSY 1110 , (2111 & 2112 ) or 2110 , 2210 , 3110 , 3230
- Quantitative Business Analysis: QBA 1720 , 2720
- University Professor: UP 1901N , 4901N (UP course subjects vary; check Course Offerings for specific information)