Major Code BA1908
Honors Tutorial College
35 Park Place
Athens, OH 45701
Phone: 740.593.2723
Fax: 740.593.9521
Andrew Ross, Associate Professor and Director of Study
Program Overview
The Honors Tutorial program in political science is a particularly important part of our mission, home to a select group of academically-oriented and politically-engaged students. Whether the future career is law, teaching, governing, political consulting, or some other related field, the program in political science, along with the broader liberal arts orientation of the college, offers our HTC students an excellent start. The program is designed around the belief that our students, as talented and mature people, should enjoy freedom to explore the issues and possibilities of the field. Students complete eight tutorials and the equivalent of two years of study in a foreign language but are also able to personalize their program of study and produce original, independent research, in the form of an honors thesis. Tutorials, together with regular coursework, help students to develop a sophisticated understanding of the variety of approaches comprising the discipline of political science. The strength of the tutorial program in political science is the one-to-one or small group tutorial format. This approach facilitates the acquisition of verbal as well as written skills because of the intensive attention devoted to each tutorial student by the tutor. The student is expected to demonstrate knowledge of weekly assignments through papers, oral reports, or such projects as may be designated by the tutor. This provides invaluable experience in research, writing, and oral presentation, as well as develops a professional work ethic and sense of responsibility.
Admissions Information
Freshman/First-Year Admission
The ideal HTC candidate should have minimum standardized test scores of 30 on the ACT and/or 1300 on the SAT, but we will also consider other students with a high school unadjusted GPA of 3.7 or above. If you choose to take either standardized test more than once, we will consider only your highest scores. The priority deadline is November 15th.
Change of Program Policy
The priority deadline for freshman transfer is November 15th.
Typically, off campus students who seek to transfer must do so no later than their freshman year of study. They should contact the Honors Tutorial College office for guidance.
Opportunities Upon Graduation
A great number and variety of opportunities are available to political science graduates upon graduation. Some pursue careers in government service, non-profit agencies or the private sector. Some go on to law or professional school. Others find opportunities in teaching and research. Because the Honors Tutorial College is so unique, graduating students who apply to graduate or professional schools are given letters that not only describe the tutorial nature of the college, but also describe the content of each tutorial taken by the student.